Weekly Photo Challenge: Renaissance Barcelona Rooftop Terrace

Renaissance Barcelona Terrace

This week’s photo challenge is all about state of mind, so I thought I’d skip way ahead in my travel writing and give you a glimpse of my time in Spain. The Renaissance Barcelona Hotel has a stylish lookout point built into its 8th floor. It’s nice, quiet, and comfortable. If you’ve been walking around the city all day, this is the place to go; you can bring your dinner upstairs, relax on the beds, listen to the chill music (they were playing a remix of Diana Ross’s “Love Hangover” at the time), and get a decent view of downtown. That’s assuming, of course, that you’re a hotel guest; you need a room keycard to access the elevator. A larger version is viewable here.

A Quiet Moment In Phuket


A Quiet Moment In Phuket

When I first came to the Marriott in Phuket, I was struck by how calm and quiet everything was. No mad rushes of people, no blaring music or advertisements. Just a massive reflection pool, some bench-hammocks, and the sound of the breeze…