Piazza dei Miracoli, Pisa

Piazza dei Miracoli, Pisa

Piazza dei Miracoli, the location of the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa. We weren’t allowed inside the Duomo because there was a funeral service being held at the time. Still gorgeous, though! A larger version is viewable here. And if you recall a couple of months back, something about this should seem familiar…

First Drops Of Spring

First Drops Of Spring

Spring isn’t my favorite time of year, but it’s easily the best for flower photography. Here’s the first of (hopefully) many flowers of 2015!

Weekly Photo Challenge: The Golden Gate At The End Of February

The Golden Gate At The End Of February

This week’s photo challenge is all about reward. For me, nothing is more rewarding than taking a journey and finding something amazing at the end. Yesterday, I walked about 11 miles all around San Francisco starting at Market Street and finishing at Crissy Field. While I didn’t know where I’d end up, I enjoyed the sunset near the Golden Gate Bridge.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Scale, Or: Waipio Valley, Hawaii

Waipio ValleyThis week’s photo challenge calls for some scaling. I remembered this photo I took at Waipio Valley on the Big Island. It’s an incredibly beautiful and historically significant place; it was considered sacred land and the capital of the early Hawaiian kings. While the overall view from the lookout was amazing, I almost didn’t notice the (relatively) tiny waterfall at the far end of the shoreline. Fun fact: this was taken literally five minutes before the valley was engulfed in an intense rainstorm. I was lucky to get the shot.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Express Yourself, Or: On Top Of Kohala

On Top Of Kohala

This week’s challenge is all about expressing yourself. When I’m on a trip, I have a knack for seeking out and trying to find the highest locations around. While Kohala certainly isn’t the highest place in Hawaii (I didn’t have the right vehicle to climb Mauna Kea), it still has some of the finest vista on the island. Fun fact: this was taken on the same highway as the picture I use for the blog’s banner.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Serenity, Or: A Pacific Morning

A Pacific Morning

This week’s challenge calls for serenity, and it reminded me of a shot I took during a morning walk at the Kona Coast Resort in Hawaii.

To New Horizons

To New Horizons

There’s a lot of world out there. Where will you go in 2015?

*Taken along the southern highway on the Big Island.